Sunday, May 15, 2011


Plastic is something that we use every single day, plastic wrappers, plastic bottles, plastic bags, etc.. Now plastic can be very useful but also can be horrible. Take a look at the picture at the top. As you can tell this is an innocent turtle with a piece of PLASTIC in its mouth! Plastic should not be a food choice for these poor animals!
On one website it says to be estimated that about 315 billion pounds of plastic in the ocean. The ocean is something we need blue and clean not used as a trash heap! These animals don't need their stomaches filled with trash! Do we eat trash? No, or at least I hope not, so these living breathing creatures should not have to eat trash either! So join me and other nature lovers around the world and do something about this plastic problem! For example, stop using plastic water bottles and use a re-usable one intsead. It's that simple! So take this picture into consideration and do something about it. That's all for now, get active in cleaning up our earth, it could save thousands of lives.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Green Cleaning!

Ok, so everyone those days when you go to wipe down your counters or mop the floor and you're all out of your cleaner that you use, well here I am to tell you can make your own cleaning supplies that is eco-friendly and pretty affordable.

Homemade detergent

150ml water
150ml white vinegar
5ml dishwashing liquid
5ml antiseptic liquid

Mix it all together and pour it into a clean spray bottle. You can use it to clean all surfaces, including tile floors

Hope this helps! For more recipes go to


Hi, welcome to the Be Green and Recycle blog. I was aware of how badly us humans were treating the earth for the past centuries. The native americans always gave something to the earth for what they took. Maybe we should start thinking about doing this too. So come sit and enjoy this blog to see what you can do to help the earth you eat, breathe, and sleep on.